National Forest Inventory of Cape Verde

Statistical results

General description

The main results of the statistical forest inventory are presented in the form of independent, specifically formulated tasks. There are currently 25 to 40 evaluated tasks for the entire Cape Verde and each of its individual islands. Note, however, that many additional tasks can readily be formulated and evaluated on demand based on the collected NFI dataset. All tasks were prepared and evaluated using exclusively the software Field-Map Inventory Analyst (FMIA;, © IFER, Czech Republic).

The structure of the evaluated statistical tasks follows a common structure, which is exemplified on the figure. The header contains the actual task name. The quantified information is shown in the structured table, which is formed by appropriate classes (e.g., Species group in the example shown) and major inventory land-use categories (Agroforestry, Forest, Open forest, Shrubland, if present). Table sub-header gives the applicable units of the actual calculated statistics underneath. These may include total or mean, together with confidence interval and relative share for each quantified item. Optionally, user-defined graphical illustration of the task results is included below the tables.

All items of the evaluated statistical tasks are described in bilingual manner, namely in Portuguese and English equivalents. The species names are in given in Latin.

List of evaluated tasks

The evaluated tasks are organized for the entire Cape Verde and by its nine major islands. Thematically the tasks are categorized by the following topics:

  • Areas
  • Volume
  • Biomass
  • Carbon
  • Tree damage
  • Regeneration
  • Stumps
  • Endemic species